22-Year-old Bharti Shahani, an Indian origin student, breathed her last after getting critically injured at the Astroworld festival in Houston.?
Bharti was on the ventilator for five days before succumbing to her injuries.?
Over 50,000 people jammed into the open-air venue, dancing and singing along with Scott. Most of them ended up getting crushed against barriers, unable to move and breathe as the mass pressed toward the stage.
"She was like an angel to us," Shahani's father, Bhagu "Sunny" Shahani, said during the press conference.?
He added,
"She was the head of the family, and she was a very nice girl. Always calm, always listened. She had a bright future. I'll only request the Houstonians to please, please make sure that she gets justice. And I don't want somebody else's daughter to go like this."?
Shahani has become the ninth person to have died from the Astroworld crowd surge, leaving hundreds injured.?
According to ABC13, the family of Bharti Shahani remains at the hospital, even though she has been declared dead. The family is reportedly working on donating her organs to help others.? ?
After Namrata and Mohit both lost their mobile phones, they failed to get in touch with Bharti.