One of the most popular reality shows Shark Tank India is returning with season 3. In the third installment, there will be three new additions to the judge's panel. While the makers have already revealed the names of two of them - Ritesh Agarwal, Founder and CEO, OYO Rooms and Deepinder Goyal, Founder and CEO, Zomato, they have now unveiled the name of the third new Shark as well.?
Now 30 years old,?Azhar Iqubal co-founded Inshorts, a?news aggregation platform?that serves news in concise and easily digestible form in under 60 words, at the age of 23. The idea behind this app was to cater to the?millennial generation which has grown up in the digital age and often doesn't like reading lengthy news articles.
He along with?Deepit Purkayastha and Anunay Arunav -- all of them were dropouts from college -- started their?entrepreneurial journey in 2013. With more than 10 million active users today, Inshorts is India's highest-rated and leading English news app that has so far raised?$64 million.
"I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2013 along with my Indian Institute of Technology¡¯s classmates Anunay Pandey and Deepit Purkayastha. We observed that Millennials were increasingly distancing themselves from the concept of reading news and the major hindrance was the long and bulky nature of the content and lack of reading time. Realising the issue, we decided to create a Facebook page called News in Shorts which focused on giving the readers quick summaries of news stories within the limit of 60 words. Today, Inshorts is India¡¯s highest-rated and #1 English news app with more than 10 million active users," he said in an interview.
Shark Tank India season 3 will mark the return of Aman Gupta (Co-Founder and CMO of boAt), Amit Jain (CEO and Co-founder of CarDekho Group,, Anupam Mittal (Founder and CEO of ¨C People Group), Namita Thapar (Executive Director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals), Vineeta Singh (Co-Founder and CEO of SUGAR Cosmetics) and Peyush Bansal (Founder and CEO of
From start date to new Sharks, here is everything you need to know about Shark Tank India season 3.
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