In May 2016, Tanmay Bhat drew a lot of flak after his controversial snapchat video impersonating and mocking Tendulkar and iconic singer Lata Mangeshkar went viral. He received a lot of backlash from people including Shiv Sena, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, and people from the film fraternity too condemned the controversy and expressed their displeasure on the same.
And now after almost a year, Tanmay Bhat chose to apologise to Sachin Tendulkar. On Sachin¡¯s 44th birthday, Tanmay took to his social media accounts to post a message that also included an apology for the video. Calling Sachin an inspiration and how he really felt hurt after he started receiving criticism for his video, his gesture for the cricketer is really a sweet one.
This looks like one honest apology, isn't it??