Actress Nayanthara recently attended the preview show of her latest outing Connect. Pictures and videos of the actress from the event have been doing rounds on social media since then.?
Now, Chinmayi has hit back at trolls sexualizing south's popular heroine Nayanthara.?
Taking to social media the singer has lashed out on the page of FilmiFriday for not deleting the lewd comments about Nayanthara and instead making critical comments to the actress' video private.?
Chinmayi shared some screenshots of the offensive remarks on her Instagram story.?
In another Instagram story, the singer took a dig at the trolls and further wrote, ¡°I am wondering ¨C whether all these men were breastfed or not? I wonder what will happen if these men have daughters (sic).¡±
Check out the video:
Not just Chinmayi, even Swati Jagdish, owner of a sex education page bashed trolls in the comments section of the video post.?
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