Only the poster of?Hum Do Hamare Baarah has been unveiled so far and already the movie has been embroiled in a huge controversy. The film has been accused of Islamophobia as many people feel it blames Muslims for the population explosion. The Director of the movie Kamal Chandra has clarified and assured people that his film isn't targeting a particular community.?
Chandra asserts the poster of the movie isn't objectionable and needs to be seen in the right context.?"We assure you that we aren't targeting any one particular community through our film," he told ETimes and added,?"We are making it without any prejudice and hurting sentiments of any particular community."
"Today, people from one particular community are feeling that they are being targeted through our film. If we would have made a poster reflecting any other community, they would had said the same thing. I feel that cinema is the best medium to express our thoughts and feelings. I urge everyone to not make an issue out of this."
During the poster launch event of the movie, Annu Kapoor who is playing one of the prominent roles in the movie was quoted as saying, "Population explosion has its own set of problems. There were instances when attempts were made to control the population. In such cases, laws or using force won't work. The need of the hour is that people should be made aware of the related problems and they themselves should realize their duty towards the society and the country."
Director Kamal Chandra said, "Our film not only talks about the current problems related to population explosion but it makes you think about our collective future too. And that is the beauty of the film."
Also starring Ashwini Kalsekar and Manoj Joshi, the release date of?Hum Do Hamare Baarah?hasn't been announced as of yet.??
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