One of the most popular shows created by Ekta Kapoor is Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii, which kept the audience glued to their Television screens for eight years until the final episode. It was Sakshi Tanwar's character Parvati that left a lasting impression of the ideal Indian 'Bahu' in the minds of the viewers.?
The popular Indian TV show was one of the most loved serials apart from the serial Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, which had current Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani playing the lead role Tulsi.?
With its distinctive plot, Sakshi Tanwar's TV show Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii was one of the most recognizable TV programs that aired on Star Plus for 8 years starting from October 16, 2000, until October 9, 2008.?
For the unversed, Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki starred actors - Kiran Karmarkar, Ali Asgar, and Shweta Kawatraa and Sakshi Tanwar, among others. The show explored the world of a Marwadi joint family and showcased the family's ideal Bahu and son dealing with trivial issues of a household. The show also highlighted how sometimes one must stand against their loved ones to do what's morally right.?
Star Plus shared the premiere date and time of the show on its official Instagram handle alongside the teaser with the title song playing in the background that literally gave fans goosebumps.?
Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii is a show that changed the face of Indian Television forever after its launch.?
Fans took to Instagram to share their excitement over the good news"Big Plesure News about kggk . Really very are Grateful to you . Thanks a lot ????????????????," a fan wrote on the comment section of the Instagram post.?
Another said, "So nostalgic!" while a third user said, "Childhood memory jab mom ka favorite serieal hua karta tha."
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