The man accused of threatening Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and demanding Rs 5 crore ransom has made some shocking confessions during his interrogation. Identified as Bhika Ram Bishnoi, the accused said that has no regrets about going to jail for his actions. Here are five shocking things he told the Police about the motives behind his threats.? ? ?
1. No regrets about going to jail
Bhika Ram Bishnoi, who called himself a member of the Bishnoi gang, told the Police that he had no regrets about going to jail for his actions.?On the contrary, he said that he feels proud about his actions believing that he did it in service of the Bishnoi community.
2. Lawrence Bishnoi is my idol
Furthermore, the accused called himself a fan of Lawrence Bishnoi. He used to watch his videos regularly and was proud of him for what he was doing for the Bishnoi community even while he was in jail.?
3. Plans for Rs 5 crore demand
He also shared that the Rs 5 crore rupees he demanded from Salman Khan were going to be utilised in the?construction of a temple dedicated to the Bishnoi community.
4. Disappointment over Salman Khan's lack of apology??
He also revealed his disappointment and frustration over Salman Khan who, he said, never apologised for allegedly killing two blackbucks in 1998. He also said that he didn't even apologise for the hit-and-run case against him.?
5. What Lawrence Bishnoi is doing is right
Furthermore, the man said that he stood by Lawrence Bishnoi's actions, calling them "right" and claiming they aligned with the interests of the Bishnoi community.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan got a fresh death threat on Nov 8 from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang over a song linking him with the notorious gangster. This comes a day after Shah Rukh Khan received a death threat. Just like SRK, this message was also sent to?Mumbai's traffic control room. The message stated that Salman Khan "will no longer be able to write songs" and that?"if Salman Khan has the courage, he should save them."
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