Ranveer Singh is once again making headlines for his fashion game. Known for his eccentric fashion sense, the Bollywood actor who recently rubbished divorce rumours with Deepika Padukone, was spotted wearing high heels along with a Rs 2 crore diamond necklaceto the Tiffany event he attended recently. Fans are quite impressed with the way he carried high heels. So much so, that they think he should soon be invited to Met Gala.?
Commenting on his look, fans said,?"No one can carry it quite like him; he's absolutely rocking the look". Another one added,?"No other bollywood actor can rock it like this". Someone praised his fashion sense,?"Oh he looks incredible!! That's high fashion right there". Others thought,?"Someone get him an invite to the MET gala!" Another one added,?"Someone should invite him to Metgala". A fan even called him Lady Gaga of Bollywood.?
Others thought he is already in his Don look. "This was closest to Don look tbh. Better than that announcement video", a fan said and another one added,?"You know he is doing something right when he looks so masculine and sexy while wearing heels".
Also Read:?Deepika Padukone Hits The Camera And Walks Away As She Returns From Babymoon With Ranveer Singh
Talking about the evolution of his style, the Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani at the event said, "Men have been adorning themselves with jewellery for time immemorial. It's something you do for yourself. Adorning yourself is a form of self love. When I entered my teens, became more expressive with my style, I'd wear a lot of junk jewellery, lot of silver. My personal journey with jewellery has also evolved over time. When you wear it, it should make you feel good. And that's really the bottom line."
On work front, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone will both be seen in Rohit Shetty's Singham Again.?
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