Alia Bhatt's mother Soni Razdan recently shared a screenshot of her conversation with her house help who is in Bihar. As per the conversation, the house help was beaten up by the Police for going out to get a Covid test. He is unwell.?
Razdan raised the question to the authorities and asked if people are not being allowed to get tested, then how is the Covid tally accurate.
Razdan shared the pictures of wounds in the chat. She wrote, "Chat with our cook who is unwell in Bihar. When he tries to go for a covid test to Madhubani from Kolhua he is beaten up. Who is to be held accountable for this? This is just so shocking. Pic is graphic so I edited it. How can numbers be correct if villages r not testing".
"And how can we hope to ever get a handle on this wave or any other wave or this disease at all if tests are not more easily available to one and all. There are just so many things wrong about the way this is being tackled," she wrote in another tweet.?
A 10-day lockdown has been imposed in Bihar from May 5 to May 15. As per reports, over Rs 9 lakh was collected for the violation of Covid-19 containment regulations on the first day of lockdown.