It all started after Salman Khan filed a defamation case against KRK. While the self-proclaimed critic says the case is against his review of Radhe, Khan's team has alleged that KRK has been sued for "spreading malicious falsehoods" about Khan and his NGO.
Mika Singh stands in support of Khan after KRK vowed to destroy Khan's career. What's interesting is Khan remains unfazed but now Singh and KRK are at loggerheads.?
Mika Singh released a diss song title KRK Kutta, and the war of words between the two continues on Twitter.?
Now KRK has announced that he will release a song called?Suwar (pig). It's getting uglier day by day and the mudslinging is getting a bit too much for audiences.
"Song #Suwar is coming soon! And we dedicate this song to @mikasingh! Jaisi Karni Waisi Bharni (As you sow, so shall you reap)," read a tweet.
Now Mika Singh has claimed that KRK has been banned from entering the country.
"Good news for Bollywood fraternity.. now he cannot enter in india.. congratulations @kamaalrkhan", he wrote.
It's rare to witness celebrities talking in such language especially because they have to maintain their stature, but Mika called KRK a "gadha (donkey)" and "chuha (mouse)" for allegedly making personal attacks on Salman. In response to that, KRK who is known for his motormouth hit back at Singh by calling him a "chirkut singer" trying to get publicity by jumping into the matter.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan hasn't said a word on this.?