SS Rajamouli who is basking in the glory of RRR?which grossed over Rs 1000 crores globally, recently attended the Governors Awards in Los Angeles, a precursor event to the Oscars where many celebrities receive honorary statuettes.?
Rajamouli who is campaigning for RRR to be recognised by the Oscars committee and has been submitted for consideration under various categories attended the ceremony dressed in a dashing black suit. He looked dapper in the video shared by Variety.?
In another photo doing the rounds, he can be seen posing along with his sonSS Karthikeya. The father-son duo wore matching tuxedos.?
Also Read:?SS Rajamouli Confirms 'RRR' Sequel, Says His Father Vijayendra Prasad Is Writing The Story
For the unversed, even though RRR is not an official entry from India, the makers of RRR have filed nominations for 14 categories under 'For your consideration (FYC) campaign.??
"We applied to The Academy of Oscars consideration in general category. We wish our RRR family the best and thank them from the bottom of our hearts for making this possible. Here is to continue to win hearts and entertain audiences worldwide," a note on the RRR official twitter handle.
"We are honoured that RRR's overwhelming success represented Indian cinema on the global stage by creating milestones at the worldwide box office and uniting film buffs across the world by transcending linguistic & cultural barriers," it further said.
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