Days after Vivek Agnihotri announced The Delhi Files, the backlash has already started to pour in. After the filmmaker said that movie will be based on the incidents that took place in 1984 (the year anti-Sikh riots took place), the Maharashtra Sikh Group lashed out at him.?
The association said it expresses "strong reservation against the exploitation and commercialisation of unfortunate tragic chapters of humankind like the Sikh riots by people in the name of creative expression and personal profiteering".? ??
"There is already polarisation in the society and hatred among various communities and vivid depiction of unfortunate tragic incidents of the history in a commercial way will only foment the ill feelings and fragile peace.?India is a land of unity in diversity and people professing different faiths have tried to live in harmony and peace with each other and the Sikh community is trying to forget the dark chapter in the history of sikh community," their statement read.??
"Many of the culprits have either died or are behind the bars. Justice has come with delay, but it has come. Even the then Government had apologised for these riots in the Parliament.?By extracting profits by depicting deaths in gory details will only result in poisoning the minds of the new generation, who might have heard about it but now seeing them on screen will boil their blood, and spread hatred against others... It would be a deliberate attempt to reopen the wounds of the old and vitiate the fragile peace in the society. This is neither correct nor ethical," it added.??
Vivek Agnihotri in his defense said that he has not yet confirmed the details about the plot of the film and that he has the right to express himself. "I will make what I need to make, what my conscience tells me to make. I am not a servant to anybody's demands or organisations," he said.
Earlier, Agnihotri had said that the film will not only shed spotlight on what happened in 1984 but will also bring forth the truth of Tamil Nadu. He said that The Delhi Files will show how "Delhi has been destroying Bharat for so many years".
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