Veteran television and film actress Sarita Joshi received the country's fourth-highest civilian honour on Monday at a ceremony held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.?
The actress is remembered for her role as Godavari Labhshankar Thakkar a.k.a. Baa in the Star Plus hit dramedy Baa Bahoo Aur Baby, for which she won many awards.?
She rose to popularity with her commendable work on Television with shows like "Ba Bahoo Aur Baby", "Meri Aashiqui Tumse Hi", and "Hasratein".?
Sarita's daughters Purbi and Ketki Dave are both actors. Ketki Dave is still remembered for playing 'Dakshaa Chachi' in Ekta Kapoor's iconic serial 'Kyunkii Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi..'.
"What a proud moment for the entire family! My mother Sarita Joshi is being honoured by the President of India, the honourable Mr Kovind, with one of the highest civilian awards - the "Padma Shri."?
"Ma, your talent, energy and dedication to the craft know no bounds, as does your love for all of us. To the world outside, you're known as the celebrated legend Sarita Joshi, one of the finest actors and performers our country has produced, with an illustrious career spanning theatre, TV and films. But for me, you are the world's best mother, my constant companion and supporter. You are a true force of nature and a source of inspiration."?
"Thank you for showing me what a strong woman looks like every day of my life. Thank you for teaching me that above all that glitter is sheer hard work and dedication, that to love yourself and believe in your dreams is your biggest strength, and that you are the only hero you will ever need¡Today my chest swells with pride, and my heart is full of love for my one and only, the leading lady of my life always...My Ma."
Of these, four were Padma Vibhushan, eight Padma Bhushan and 61 Padma Shri awards for the year 2020, according to a statement issued by the President's office.