In a horrifying incident, Hariyani singer Harshita Dahiya was shot to death by unknown assassins?on Wednesday. Now, her sister Lata has alleged that her husband killed her sister. She also said that he killed her mother as well, to which she was a witness.?
facebook/Harshita Dahiya
Meanwhile, Panipat District Superintendent of Police, Desh Raj said a team has been formed and investigation is underway in the matter.
facebook/Harshita Dahiya
Dahiya, a local singer and dancer was shot dead on Tuesday by unknown assailants when she was leaving after a program in Panipat's Israna.
facebook/Harshita Dahiya
The assailants came in a car and fired five to six shots at her before fleeing away.
22-years-old Dahiya, a resident of Nahra-Nahri village of Haryana's Sonipat, was living in Narela of Delhi.
She was on way to her home at around 4:15 p.m. when the incident occurred.
facebook/Harshita Dahiya
She was accompanied by a male singer, her assistant and driver.
The body of the deceased singer has been sent to the mortuary at a general hospital.