No, we did not fall asleep on the keyboard. These are actual English words that we have learned from Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament for Thiruvananthapuram. It is a well-known fact that his vocabulary is good.
And that¡¯s not it, the former diplomat stuns us constantly with his razor sharp wit when he gives his exemplary speeches. We try not to boastful or rodomontade about our usage of the language, but listening to Tharoor does make us get greedy or esurient for more exotic-sounding words.
Tharoor does know his dictionary inside out, who else do you know who could use ¡®¡°Floccinaucinihilipilification¡± to convey that something or someone is useless.?
So when Shashi Tharoor was speaking recently at a college and was asked by a student to teach them a new word?we were expecting a long, rambling word. But instead, Tharoor gave us a taste of his wit and left us with a lesson.?
In a now viral tweet, Tharoor¡¯s reply is outstanding. In the video he says,?
Tharoor also made great use of this moment to also clarify that despite popular assumption, he opens the dictionary very rarely. Delving deeper, Tharoor revealed how he had no other suitable option besides reading because as a child, he had asthma and was confined indoors most of the time.
And when the legend speaks, the Internet loves it. People were full of praise for this honest and genuine advice.?
Tharoor, surely shows us how one word can change your life.