'What's in a name?' Juliet once asked. It's not a question one would want to ask brands today probably because it'll conjure up the horrors that come from first naming a product, and then changing it because it just so happens there's a deadly virus with the same name doing the rounds.
That's some semantics hell right there.
The process is apparently as expensive as it is painful. Think millions lost in rebranding. The Guardian referring to a study wrote whenever a brand takes on the daunting task, sales take a hit by at least?5 per cent to 20 per cent. So as you can imagine, this not something that brands do on a whim. It's only when the name gets associated with something utterly disastrous that steps have to be taken.?
While there have been brands that could spin the situation to their benefit, there are some that couldn't recover. While we're not deciding their fate, we are listing some brands here that made it to the red zone.
This is as stupid as it is legit. People have been reportedly sweating it out on their keyboards searching for 'Corona beer virus.' It's hard to ignore the similarity in the two names, but it's stupid to believe they're the same. Corona beer, a pale ale, is what comes in a long-necked bottle with a lemon slice that does nothing. Coronavirus, on the other hand, is a novel virus (2019-nCoV) that leaves you with pneumonia-like symptoms. You have trouble breathing and may even suffer from fever, cold and cough. No, it did not take its name from the beer. Corona is Latin for 'crown.' The virus gets its name from the crown-like structure it bears, as seen under a microscope.
It was in 2016 that?Tata Motors announced it's decision to rename its then-not-yet-launched hatchback, Zica. The Zika health crisis had already rocked the boat by that time. Around this time It wasn't until September 2018 that Tiago was finally launched in India. Zica was meant to be short for 'Zippy car,' one reports points out. What it ended up being similar in name to was a mosquito-borne?virus that was reportedly causing birth defects in Brazil, having affected close to a million people by 2015.?
First off, Isis was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, motherhood, magic and death. According to Egyptian theology, she took care of women and the sick.?Isis chocolate came from a Belgium chocolate company founded in 1923. It was originally named 'Italo Suisse' but later changed its name to Isis in 2013, an unfortunate move considering ISIS (the?Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), the terrorist group was born. It grew and spread in Syria and Iraq, and made headlines after the alleged beheadings of US and UK citizens.?
The Campana Company Ayds diet candy enjoyed its time in the sun in the 1970s and early 1980s.?'Ayds Reducing Plan vitamin and mineral Candy' later, 'appetite suppressant candy' came in a slew of flavours. But a growing awareness of AIDS by the mid-'80s made people lose any craving for Ayds candy. Even a name change to diet Ayds didn't have the intended effect. The company held on to the illusion that everything was fine. In 1983, Time Magazine reported that retailers were in fact saying?"The disease is not hurting the product... Ayds sales have never been better." That wasn't the case though. In 1988, AP put out a story confirming the sales of this candy were down by 50 per cent. The product was soon taken off the market.
In the 1940s, a company called?Hey Song Company created a drink called sars that borrowed its name from its main ingredient sarsaparilla (also sarsi). A famous drink in southeast Asian countries, most believe it helps the body cool down and even helps it recover from sore throats, reports a dated AP article. That said, Hey Song's spokeswoman?Chou Shiao-ping told AP?that consumers did apparently feel uneasy given its name, "But most people know you won't get SARS simply by drinking Sars." So, a raised eyebrow (if you're hearing the name for the first time) aside, Sars is doing pretty well for itself. SARS, the fatal respiratory illness meanwhile, is said to have claimed 200 lives in Hong Kong and China leaving close to 4,000 sick. The soft drink came close to getting destroyed by a disease but seems to have emerged a winner.