The construction of the prime minister's residence under the Central Vista project shall be done by December 2022, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) said as it informed a government-appointed expert panel, which gave its nod to the project, as per PTI. The CPWD also told the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) that the expansion of the Parliament building and the construction of a new Parliament building shall be completed by November 2022.
The Ministry of Environment has allowed the clearance for the expansion of the current parliament building, which is is an important part of the Rs 13,450 crore Central Vista Redevelopment Project.
"The EAC, based on the information submitted and clarifications provided by the project proponent and detailed discussions held on all the issues, recommended granting environmental clearance to the project," the minutes of the meeting said.?
"As proposed, at least 4,918 trees will be maintained within the project site during the operation phase of the project," it added.?
"Online monitoring should cover parameters e.g. PM10, PM2.5 along with NOx, SOx, covering upwind and downwind directions during the construction period," it went on to say.?
"The plan should stipulate, inter alia, the path and appropriate time for the movement of vehicles to and from the site. The plan shall be vetted by a concerned agency in the state government," it concluded.