Bharatiya Janata Party MP Virendra Singh Mast added to the list of bizarre comments made by his party leaders to defend the dismal state of economy. The MP from Uttar Pradesh's Ballia claimed, there is no recession in the country as people are still "wearing coats and jackets instead of traditional kurta and dhoti."
"There are discussions in Delhi and the world about a recession. If there was any recession, we would have come here wearing kurta and dhoti, not coats and jackets. If there was a recession, we wouldn't have bought clothes, pants and pajamas," Virendra Singh Mast said while addressing a public meeting in Uttar Pradesh's Ballia.
The Indian economy is facing the worst time with no redress to the state of affairs. For the past six years, the downward spiral of the economy has continued, while ministers, including finance, continue to make bizarre statements to support their claims.
Interestingly, this isn¡¯t the first time Virendra Singh Mast has made such outlandish remarks to dismiss reports of economic slowdown.
Earlier, the BJP claimed "traffic jams" as an indicator of growth in the automobile sector.
"If there is a decline in automobile sales then why are there traffic jams on the roads? An atmosphere is being created that there is an economic slowdown. To defame the nation and government people are saying that the automobile sector has slowed down," Virendra Singh Mast said in Lok Sabha on December 5 last year.
"There are 20 vehicles in one home. You never decide what should be the relation between consumer and production," Virendra Singh Mast said.
Last year, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, gave a laughable logic rubbishing the reports of economic slowdown and a slump in the automobile sector.
She blamed the proliferation of cab aggregators like Ola and Uber, and the change in the mindset of millennials, who prefer to use them instead of buying cars for the decline in sales.
"The automobile and components industry has been affected by BS6 (emission norms) and the mindsets of millennial, who now prefer to have Ola and Uber rather than committing to buy an automobile," the minister said.
Back in October 2019, union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, cited the box office earnings of three movies on their day of release on October 2, to dismiss reports of economic slowdown in the country.
Addressing a press briefing in Mumbai, the Union Law and Justice Minister said the economy of the country is sound as three movies have collected a record earning of Rs 120 crore on October 2.
¡°On October 2, three movies were released. Film trade analyst Komal Nahta said that the day saw earnings of over Rs 120 crore, a record by three movies. The economy of the country is sound, that is why there is a return of Rs 120 crore in a day,¡± news agency ANI quoted Prasad as saying.