Two fraudsters were nabbed by police officials for running a bogus call centre in New Delhi¡¯s New Ashok Nagar. A team of cyber crime officials in Pune busted this cell. Pintu Kumar Yadav aged 25 and Satish Raj Yadav aged 22, posed as placement agency officials to dupe job aspirants.
The fake centre came to light when a woman from Fursungi in Maharashtra lodged a complaint against the duo for cheating her of Rs 54,300 on the claim that she will be given a job. The 25 year old woman works with a multinational consultancy firm and possesses a Masters degree in Pharmacy.
She had uploaded her resume on an online job portal in December 2017 run by the accused persons. One of the suspects contacted the woman under a false name of Ankit Mishra. She was then offered a job in a good company. Image
The complainant was then asked to transfer registration fee, charges for joining letter, insurance as well as training fee to a bank account. Rs 44,300 were transferred through the bank account while another Rs 10,000 were sent through e-wallet, informed a police official to TOI.
She didn¡¯t hear anything from the duo after transferring the money. The complainant became suspicious when she pursued Mishra but found all his numbers were not reachable. She lodged a complaint at eastern Pune¡¯s Hadapsar police station.
With the help of cell phone records, technical investigations and after tracing their phone numbers, the cyber crime traced the suspects to the capital. A team led by inspector Santosh Barge recovered 14 cell phones, SIM cards, laptop, debit cards as well as Rs 40,000 cash.
A case of cheating under the Indian Penal Code and the required sections of the Information and Technology Act has been registered against the fraudsters. The police officials believe that the extortioners have duped many job aspirants all over the country. ?