Indian Railways is set to transform overnight travel with the launch of the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train. Unveiled by Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, this new train promises to outshine even the famous Rajdhani Express. Here¡¯s an exclusive look at what makes the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train so special.
The Vande Bharat Sleeper Train is built on the successful Vande Bharat platform and crafted by BEML. It offers top-notch speed, comfort, and safety. With a maximum operational speed of 160 kmph and a testing speed of 180 kmph, it is set to shorten travel time on major routes. As a self-propelled train, it can accelerate and decelerate faster, making it quicker than the Rajdhani Express.
This Vande Bharat Sleeper Train has 16 coaches, including 11 AC 3-tier coaches with 611 berths, 4 AC 2-tier coaches with 188 berths, and 1 AC First Class Coach with 24 berths, reported in TOI. It boasts world-class features that elevate Indian Railways to European standards.
The Vande Bharat Sleeper Train is designed with passenger comfort in mind. It features top-quality interiors with GFRP panels, automatic exterior doors, and sensor-based intercommunication doors, according to Indian Railways. The train also has modern amenities such as a spacious luggage room, integrated reading lights with USB charging points, and modular pantries.
During the interview with ANI, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw says, "A lot of things have been taken care of in this coach...Four trains, Vande Chair Car, Vande Sleeper, Vande Metro and Amrit Bharat have been designed in a way to address many things, like modern technology."
Safety is a key feature of the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train. It is equipped with advanced crash protection elements, including specially designed crash buffers and couplers. All materials used meet the highest fire safety standards, ensuring maximum passenger safety. The fully sealed gangways offer a dust-free environment and improved air conditioning, providing a smooth and jerk-free ride.
The train focuses on accessibility, with special berths and toilets designed for differently-abled passengers. It also offers ergonomically designed vacuum toilets that are odour-free and come with modular fittings, ensuring a clean and comfortable journey. Passengers will appreciate the extra-cushioned berths and redesigned ladders that make it easier to reach the upper berths.
The Vande Bharat Sleeper Train will undergo rigorous testing over the next few months. According to Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, the train is expected to be ready for passenger travel within the next three months. While the exact Vande Bharat Sleeper Train launch date is still pending, it is expected to revolutionize overnight travel on key routes.
Indian Railways plans to reduce travel time on key Golden Quadrilateral routes like Delhi-Mumbai and Delhi-Kolkata with the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train. Although the final routes are still being decided, the impact of this new train is expected to be significant, setting new standards for overnight travel in India.
The Vande Bharat Sleeper Train is more than just a new train; it represents progress for Indian Railways. With its exceptional features, speed, and safety, it promises to deliver a travel experience far beyond anything seen before. Stay tuned for the first look of the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train as it prepares to hit the tracks soon!
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