Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday resigned from his post, making way for the formation of the next government in the state, days after the Mahayuti Alliance retained power with a landslide margin. Shinde, the Chief of Shiv Sena, submitted his resignation to Maharashtra Governor CP Radhakrishnan at Raj Bhavan and will continue to be the caretaker Chief Minister until the new government is formed.
Shiv Sena legislators have already elected Shinde as the state legislature party group leader, authorising him to take all decisions with regard to the government formation.
Given the thumping majority the BJP received in the recently concluded assembly elections, many feel that it is unlikely Shinde, who engineered the split in Shiv Sena in 2022, will return to the Chief Minister's seat.
According to reports, BJP MLAs are putting their weight behind Devendra Fadnavis for the post of CM. Fadnavis was forced to accept the post of Deputy Chief Minister in 2022 due to alliance compulsions that made Shinde the CM.
Despite the Mahayuti alliance of the BJP, Shinde-led Shiv Sena, and Ajit Pawar's NCP securing a massive victory, winning 230 seats in the 288-member assembly, consensus has eluded the ruling combine's leaders so far on who should be the next CM.
Shinde and Shiv Sena have so far not commented publicly about whom the party will project as the next Chief Minister.
Similarly, the NCP has also not yet arrived at a decision on the Chief MinisterĄŻs post. NCP legislators have elected Ajit Pawar as the state legislature party group leader, and some in the party are pitching his name as the next CM.
It should be noted that Shinde, Fadnavis, and Pawar have yet to meet the BJPĄŻs central leadership to finalise the cabinet ministry formula and the Chief MinisterĄŻs post.
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