In Tamil Nadu three men died after they were unable to find alcohol due to the lockdown which ended up making them drink paint and varnish, this incident was reported in Chengalpattu district.?
Three men who died were identified as Shivasankar, Pradeep and Sivaraman were rushed to Chengalpattu government hospital on Sunday, after they were found vomiting around and in critical condition. All three of them were seen collapsing one after the other.?
No one of the three survived after consuming paint mixed with varnish. Preliminary investigation has revealed that the three men were in habit of drinking alcohol and were unable to procure it from anywhere amid lockdown.?
After trying hard, In Frustration they ended up mixing paint with Varnish and consumed the concoction.?
The country was put on complete lockdown after the coronavirus outbreak on March 25 for a period of 21 days. All services apart from the essential ones like health and food all have been stopped to avoid the gathering of people.?
The Tamil Nadu government last week decided to shut down the state-operated TASMAC stores, this led to the stopping of all liquor sales in the state till April 14.?
Earlier there were reports about a rickshaw driver in Nagpur in Maharashtra who set himself on fire after being depressed over not getting liquor amid lockdown.?
While looking at the liquor crisis happening in the state, the Kerala government has offered to deliver alcohol at doorsteps for people who have withdrawal symptoms and can show the prescription of it. However, later the Kerala High Court put a stay on the government order.?