A daily wager, Motilal Prajapati, in Madhya Pradesh¡¯s Panna district found a 42.59-carat diamond in October and sold it for Rs 2.55 crore at an auction on December 29, a senior official said. The diamond mined is the second heaviest diamond in the history of Panna.?
Panna¡¯s Mining and Diamond Officer Santosh Singh said that the money from the sale would be given to Motilal Prajapati after deducting the taxes and royalty. Motilal with four others had taken mine on lease and excavated the site only to find a diamond.
¡°I can¡¯t believe my luck. For three generations- from my grandfather to myself we have been taking land in the mining area on the lease but we never succeeded in finding a diamond earlier. With God¡¯s grace, I have found a good value diamond. I will spend the money on education of my children, a good life for parents and other needs in life like a good house, the marriage of my brothers¡¯ daughters," said Prajapati.?
Posing with the diamond in between his index finger and thumb, he said that now he can get his family out of the poverty now and the money will help his elderly mother and father.
The auction was held on Friday with 160 diamonds and weighing a total of 203 carats. Panna is known to have diamond reserves of 12 lakh carats.