As India gives its engineers a shoutout on National Engineer¡¯s Day, industrialist Anand Mahindra too hops on the trend. In a Twitter dedication, Mahindra admired Dashrath Manjhi's remarkable achievement of carving a road through a mountain in Bihar's Gaya district.
Mahindra applauded Manjhi's ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible, even though he wasn't computer literate. Dashrath Manjhi earned the nickname 'Mountain Man of India' because of his incredible determination and perseverance.
Even though his story gained much traction when the 2015 film starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui charted and gained immense fame in the country, not everyone in India is familiar with Manjhi¡¯s struggle.
It took him 22 years to construct a 300-metre-long and 25-foot-wide road. He received recognition and a reward from Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. In 2016, the Indian Post honoured him by issuing a postage stamp featuring his likeness.
Manjhi, a resident of Nagar village in the Gaya district of?Bihar, dedicated his work from 1960 to 1982 to building the road. His tireless efforts connected Ghivra Mauja of Dashrath Nagar in Gehlaur Ghati to Atara Prakhand, Wajirganj, significantly cutting the distance from 75 km to just one km. Unfortunately, Manjhi passed away in 2007 at the age of 70.
In his post, Anand Mahindra honoured the man and wrote, ¡°On #EngineersDay2023 I bow low to this man. No, he wasn't an engineer. No, he didn't graduate from any Institute of Technology. No he wasn't even computer literate nor did he design any machines. But he believed what every true Engineer believes:: "NOTHING is impossible.¡±
Manhindra¡¯s post soon went viral and gained over 200K views on X, formerly called X. People on the internet flocked over to the post and wrote their own honorary words for the mountain man, as one wrote, "Dashrath Manjhi is inspiration for billions of people."??
Another pointed out how engineering is a lifestyle rather than a profession, ¡°Engineering was all about not giving up. Finding a way. Proud to be an engineer It¡¯s not a degree, it¡¯s a lifestyle for me.¡±
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