In a kind-hearted gesture, a Delhi-based mushroom farmer, who had to send 10 of his workers to Bihar during the coronavirus-induced lockdown in May, has now booked flight tickets to bring them all back.?
Pappan Singh has booked tickets worth over Rs 1 lakh so that his workers can return to Delhi and rejoin him in farming mushrooms during the August to April season, reported PTI.??
From the 20 workers who are expected to return to Delhi on August 27, 10 of them would be flying for the first time. The entire group will work with Singh in Delhi's Tigipur village.
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A migrant named Naveen Ram said he had flown for the first time in May, and added that he and other workers tried booking railway tickets to reach Delhi, but trains were not available for the next one-and-a-half months.?
"If we wait for trains, we cannot do mushroom farming this season, which starts in August. When we told our 'malik' (employer) about this, he said that he will book flight tickets for us so that there is no delay," he said.?
According to reports, all arrangements have been made for 20 migrant workers to reach Patna airport from their native place on August 27.?
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Singh, who does mushroom farming every year on over three acres of land, said he will be covering only one acre this year as the old stock of mushroom is still with suppliers due to the closure of markets. Singh treats his workers like his family because some of them have been working with him for 15 to 25 years.?
"I have an emotional attachment with my workers and that is why I have booked their air tickets so that they can earn their livelihood while working here," he said.Back in May, Singh paid around Rs 70,000 on flight tickets to send his workers to Bihar.