Jefferson Machado, a 44-year-old soap actor known for his role in the Brazilian show Reis, has been found dead and buried in a wooden trunk underground. He went missing nearly four months ago, with his disappearance officially declared on February 9 after his eight dogs were found abandoned at his Rio de Janeiro home, two of them tragically deceased.
Their last conversation occurred on January 29, when he mentioned staying at a friend's house while attending a job interview. In addition to acting, Jefferson was also involved in production and set design.
Following the alarming events, Machado's family grew even more concerned when his video cloud password was changed, and his location was deactivated.
The property's owner revealed that she had rented the outhouse to an unidentified individual who knew Machado. Surveillance footage captured the actor entering the structure last month.?
Although the man renting the outhouse remains unnamed publicly, the police consider him a suspect.
The retrieval of the trunk required the assistance of nine individuals, and the victim's identity was confirmed through his fingerprints. It was revealed that the trunk in which he was found had originally belonged to Machado and had been taken from his own home.
The devastating news of Jefferson's death was shared by a close friend, Cintia Hilsendeger, on Instagram, who wrote:?"It is with great sadness we report that Jeff was found lifeless on May 22, 2023."
"Jefferson was brutally murdered by jealous, evil, and of course, unscrupulous people. More info coming soon RJ Township Police did an excellent job!"
"Thank you so much to everyone who helped with every little detail. Prayers and good thoughts are what Jeff needs right now."
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