This time, the spotlight's trained on Jaipur boy Mridul Agarwal who went on to score 348/360 or 96.6% in JEE Advanced 2021. Reportedly, this is a first since the test went two-tier and JEE Advance becoming the deciding factor for what premier tech institute students head to.
But this isn't a first for the topper who had, in fact, even scored 100 percentile in February and March JEE, reported TOI. The man of the hour, Mridul has his sights set on IIT-Bombay: "I want to pursue graduation in computer science as IT is a growing field and the future." He also gave credit to his parents for this amazing feat.
Describing his process, Mridul revealed there was a lot of effort that went in: "Since I started preparing for the examination, I have been consistent and focused. Every day after coaching, I study on my own following a timetable."
And this was something he followed for four whole years. "For the last four years, my routine has helped me a lot in getting 100 percentile in JEE-Mains and clearing JEE-Advanced," Mridul told?TOI.??
For those wondering, Mridul wasn't expecting such success himself. He currently resides in?Shyam Nagar in Jaipur and has studied at the Allen Career Institute there.
A proud man, his father Pradeep Agarwal had this to say: "I am really happy with my son getting such a high score. I am hoping that after he completes his bachelor¡¯s degree, he could get admission in some foreign university for M.Tech. After that I want my son to return to our motherland and work for the betterment of the nation."
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