Five people were arrested by the Delhi police for an alleged robbery of Rs 1.1 crore in North Delhi's Civil Lines area. According to reports, the incident took place in broad daylight. The victims, employees of a businessman, were targeted by the alleged accused.?
Reports claim that the accused first hit their scooter and then robbed them at gunpoint. The police have taken five accused into custody nearly a week after the incident occurred.?
They nabbed the accused with the help of the newly installed CCTV cameras near Chandni Chowk market. The accused also allegedly donated Rs 1 lakh of the stolen money at a temple, said a senior police officer.
They were arrested from Northeast Delhi, reported The Indian Express. According to the police, the incident took place on March 3 when two employees of the Rohini-based businessman collected Rs 1.1 crore from a jeweller in Chandni Chowk and were on their way back to the office.
Three men on a bike hit them, and before they could recover from the shock, the three men pulled out pistols and threatened the victims, and took the bags of money.
One of the accused has been identified as a former employee of the jeweller who also provided the information about the money.The police found that the accused donated Rs. 1 lakh at Khatushyam temple.?
The police then scanned the CCTVs installed nearby - over 300 CCTV cameras have been installed in Chandni Chowk market. The men were spotted in the footage and identified.They were then were arrested from the trans-Yamuna area based on the evidence.?
DCP (North) Sagar Singh Kalsi told that the police also recovered the stolen amount. The police also recovered other stolen items such as gold. The accused confessed to the crime and also said that they vowed to donate money at a temple.
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