A young duo from Tamil Nadu's Sivagangai district has invented a bicycle that runs on solar power. According to a News18 report, the bicycle can travel up to 30 km and also works as a humble bicycle alternatively.?
12-year-old Veeraguruharikrishnan and 11-year-old Sampathkrishnan are brothers from the Sivagangai College Road area. Sons of Veerapathiran and Ammani, Veeraguruharikrishnan is in the eighth grade in Thirupuvanam private school and Sampathkrishnan is in his seventh grade at Sivagangai school.?
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Since the fuel price hike, the brothers decided to do something with their bicycles. They?designed a solar-powered motorized bicycle that is eco-friendly; they fitted the bicycle with the appropriate materials such as the battery, motor, and solar panels that they bought.
Veeraguruharikrishnan told News18,?¡°It was only when we were cycling on vacation during the lockdown and watching YouTube that we came up with the idea of inventing something new from the things that we own. You can change all types of bicycles to this format. It costs only Rs 10 thousand including the bicycle."
He added, "It can travel up to 30 km when exposed to sunlight and can be operated when charged for 5 hours of time. If the switch is turned on the bicycle will only go at a speed of 25 to 35 km/h based on the current design."
He also said, "There is also a plan to look at the appropriate equipment to increase or reduce the speed. This bicycle can carry a total weight of up to 150 kgs. Mobile phones charging slots are also available on the bicycle."
What do you think about this invention? Let us know in the comments.