Buying a car is a significant milestone for a lot of us, after all, it is the second-most-expensive commodity to own after property. Even though a car is just a machine that is used for conveyance, we do develop affection if it is our own. So, in order to make sure that you make all the right decisions while buying a car, here are some tips for you:?
Even though unauthorized car dealers can offer you great discounts while you buy a car, there is no guarantee that they will provide you with a hundred per cent authentic car with genuine car accessories. Apart from this, an authorized car dealer is capable of providing you with a lot of different types of discounts. These discounts include a dealer's discount, an exchange bonus, a loyalty bonus, a finance discount, and for those working in a corporate, a corporate discount is offered among several others. Getting your car dealer to agree to give you all the discounts can make you save a ton of money.
2. Bargaining is key.
Lucky for us, most Indians are great at bargaining and one should definitely not shy away from doing so while buying a car. Haggle with your car dealership rep to provide you with the best on-road price. Along with getting discounts, it will help save you save a lot of money. If you do not know how to bargain, take someone along who can help you with the same.
After having every discussion and finalising the deal on your car, comes the time for bargaining for the free goodies. Even though the car dealer claims otherwise, they have a decent money margin and one should not feel guilty while doing so. It is the perfect time to haggle and it is a total win-win situation because it is a common practice and the dealer is already in anticipation of it.
Make sure to keep these important tips in mind before buying a car especially if you are a first-time buyer.?