Friday was a nightmare for Twitter employees in India, who were abruptly logged out of their systems as Elon Musk started layoffs. In anticipation of Elon Musk's massive lay-offs, despair and sadness have taken over Twitter's India office.
On Friday morning, several employees were in tears and distress when the social media giant revealed that it would be requesting several employees to leave by the end of the day.
The company advised its worldwide staff to go home and wait for an email to arrive in their inbox in an email sent to every Twitter staff.
According to India Today Tech, many Twitter employees in India were logged out of their work email accounts due to that today's email. Multiple employees were logged out.??
The employees weren't informed before the sackings and weren't ready for them. An overwhelming number of tweets flooding the micro-blogging site were about people in distress or sharing their sorrow and consoling one another.
"We acknowledge this is an incredibly challenging experience to go through, whether or not you are impacted," noted the memo sent to Twitter employees on Friday.?
"Thank you for adhering to Twitter policies that prohibit you from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press, or elsewhere."
?The email is addressed to "Team" and signed by "Twitter."
However, previous reports have stated that nearly 50% of Twitter's 7,500-person workforce may be forced to leave. The number of Twitter employees in India who will be impacted is unclear.
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(This is a developing story, more details on Twitter India's status will be updated soon)?