After pictures of an Instagram influencer wearing saffron attire at the Mahakumbh went viral on social media on Monday, the influencer came under fire. The influencer, who goes by the name Harsha Richhariya, is being ridiculed for dressing in? western clothing and referring to herself as a "Sadhvi." Numerous social media users criticised her, posting pictures and videos of her vacation to Dubai and contrasting them with the images she posted from Mahakumbh in 2025.
In the video, the said Sadhvi is seen sitting in a chariot as a reporter or YouTuber interviews her about her looks and the reasons behind her life choice. She was questioned about why, in spite of her beauty, she decided to become a Sadhvi. Her? answer to this query went viral on social media. Alongside this, people posted pictures and videos of her wearing western clothes, and they questioned why, if she is a Sadhvi, she would dress this way.?
?Many social media users are sharing her old videos and asserting that she simply pretended to be a Sadhvi during the Maha Kumbh in order to gain notoriety but not divinity.
As seen on her social media account, Harsha who hails from Uttarakhand, calls herself ¡®Anchor Harsha¡¯ and is an Instagram influencer with a massive following. Harsha Richhariya has 916K followers on Instagram and 2,141 posts so far. In her posts, she can be seen either at a Temple/Mandir or performing a ritual. In her bio, she describes herself as, ¡°Social Activist / Influencer and Hindu Sanatan Lioness."
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