WhatsApp Latest Updates: WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will restrict users from taking screenshots of profile pictures of others on iPhones. The latest WhatsApp beta for iOS, version, is now being released, bringing with it the new privacy-focused feature for profile photos. This means if you try to take a screenshot of someone's profile picture, a message will pop up saying "App restrict cannot capture screen on the interface".
The latest update for WhatsApp beta on Android, version, has already introduced a new privacy feature for profile photos. This update aims to improve user privacy and decrease the chances of personal images being shared or distributed without permission.?
While the feature for profile photo privacy is not yet available for iOS users, the latest WhatsApp beta for iOS, version, hints that it's in the works. This update from the TestFlight app suggests that WhatsApp is actively working on bringing this feature to iOS users soon.
The feature aims to give users more privacy by preventing others from taking and sharing their profile pictures without permission. Even though people can still take pictures with other devices, blocking the screenshot feature in the app will make it harder to share profile pictures without consent.
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By blocking screenshots, WhatsApp hopes to prevent profile pictures from being misused or shared without permission. This feature is still being developed and will be available in a future update of the app.
In other news, WhatsApp is also testing a new feature that will let users filter their chats to quickly find their favourite contacts and groups for Android. This will make it easier to access and prioritise specific conversations. Another feature being tested makes it simpler for users to zoom in while using the in-app camera. Another feature allows users to create stickers from their gallery or generate stickers using Meta AI through new shortcuts. These features are currently available to beta testers on iOS and will likely roll out to all users on Android and iOS devices in the near future.
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