Ask These 7 Questions At Your Next Interview, Your Interviewer WonĄŻt Be Expecting Them
"Do you have any questions for me?" is the inevitable question your interviewer will ask you right at the end of your interview.
While most of us think this question has no real purpose and we might appear to be lacking knowledge about the company we are applying to, well, by doing so you are forfeiting your opportunity to stand out in the eyes of your interviewer.
1. Can you tell me something about your experience at this company?
You know what makes this an absolutely killer question to ask your interviewer at the end of your interview? Because it gives them the chance to talk about themselves. Which means they will be happy. At the same, by listening to them, you will know the scope available to progress in your career further.
2. How would you describe the culture of this company?
This is one question you must ask because even if you are the right candidate for the job, the pay is good and you actually want this job, the next important consideration is whether you will fit into the company or not. Life is too short to hate your life Monday to Friday, so knowing about the fun things the company does, the people there will help you make a better decision.
3. What would you like to change about this company?
Just like you, even the interviewer wants to put their best foot forward. This question is really good because it will reveal what an already existing employee dislikes about their company and hearing them out can help you determine whether those same issues will affect you or not.
4. Where does this company/department see itself in the next five years?
This is me being nasty. If we job seekers are always put in a tough spot with this question, let's flip the table now. Asking this question will let you in on whether your career goals align with the company's goals or not.
5. Who is the ideal candidate, according to you, for this job?
The only reason I am asking you to ask this question is so once the interviewer starts to describe traits they are looking for, you can add in and elaborate further as to why you are exactly who they are looking for.
6. What is the number one challenge I will face in my first 30 days at the company?
If this is a job you really want, ask this question to know what challenges lie for you ahead. That way you can prepare and make a really good first impression among your colleagues and the boss, obviously.
7. What can I clarify/elaborate about my background or prior work experience?
It's always good to ask this question so that if they are confused about anything, there's still room for clarifying or elaborating. Whether it was an internship or a volunteer project you had undertaken, it's a good chance to speak more about all the great work you have done.
It's really that simple- asking your interviewer a really good question at the end of the interview, will ensure your candidacy stands out!