Pune Authorities Raid And Nab Hookah Bar Owners For Charging GST On Liquor
charge GST on liquor
The Director General Of GST Intelligence (DGGI) has raided Hookah bars in Pune for serving alcoholic beverages levied with GST despite government keeping liquor out of GST ambit.
The officials raided bars to nab the offenders on 27 and 28 of March, Indian Express reported. DGGI claimed that the owners of these bars are filling their pockets with liquor sold with GST.
The report stated that the lounge owner did not have GST registration despite having a turnover of over Rs 6.5 crore.
¡°Alcoholic drinks are outside the purview of GST. However, some lounges have adopted the modus operandi of charging GST on alcoholic drinks also and not paying that to the government exchequer. In the case of one lounge, the GST collected in such a manner was found to be around Rs 20 lakhs,¡± said a statement issued by DGGI Pune.
¡°Such cases of blatant tax evasion where GST is collected from customers and pocketed by businessmen, instead of depositing into the government account, are also a fraud on the general public. The general public should come forward and contribute in the effective implementation of GST by sharing information about GST evasion instances,¡± Vaishali Patange, deputy director at DGGI Pune, who is probing the case, said.