Man asking for Rs 100 for collecting garbage monthly leaves woman emotional, plans to buy him?basic?ration too
A Delhi woman was moved to tears after a garbage collector asked for just 100 rupees per month to collect trash from her third-floor home. Realizing her own privilege, she decided to help the man by providing basic rations monthly.
There are all types of people in this world, rich, poor, healthy, sick, and so forth. Society divides people into different categories, but if we look beyond the rules of social hierarchy, we can make this world a better place for each other. ThatĄ¯s exactly what a woman in Delhi did.
What happened to the woman who was looking for a garbage collector?
We are so priviledged
byu/Your_awkward_friend indelhi
A woman who was looking to hire a garbage collector asked a man who was working as one in her area. upon asking how much the man would charge to collect garbage from her house every month, the man replied and asked for only 100 rupees per month.
After hearing that the man would work an entire month and collect garbage from her home every day for a month, considering she lives on the third floor, left the woman in tears.
She quickly realised how privileged we are and mentioned in her post that a hundred rupees is nothing for us. The woman was planning on building a new winter wardrobe in Korean fashion, but this incident left her thinking for more.
The woman then decided to help the garbage man with a basic ration every month. As they say, small gestures have a lasting impact.
How did people on the internet react?
People on the internet realised compassion and gratitude in the post. Here's what people wrote in the comments.
byu/Your_awkward_friend from discussion
byu/Your_awkward_friend from discussion
byu/Your_awkward_friend from discussion
byu/Your_awkward_friend from discussion
byu/Your_awkward_friend from discussion
Also read: Doctor's post about grandfather entering 100th year makes internet emotional
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