The Indian Malayalam-language thriller Kishkindha Kaandam has?released in theatres, but if you are someone who will still wait for its OTT debut, here is a major update just for you. According to media reports, the film will arrive on OTT platform Disney+Hotstar on November 1. Yes, you read that right. Reports, including one by, have suggested that the Malayalam thriller can be enjoyed soon on Disney+Hotstar. The movie has been doing well at the box office ever since it got released earlier this month and has captured the interest of audiences and critics.?
Kishkindha Kaandam, meaning to Kishkindha Chapter has a storyline that takes place in the monkey-inhabited Kallepathi reserve forest and around an ex-military officer named Appu Pillai and his son Ajay Chandran, who is also a forest officer.??
Here is the teaser for the film and other details related to its OTT debut:?
Disney+ Hotstar, which is one of IndiaĄ¯s most popular streaming partners, will release Kishkindha Kaandam not only in its original language, which is Malayalam, but also in a Hindi-dubbed version so that viewers across the country can enjoy the film.?
Kishkindha Kaandam is a film that is set in a forest reserve. It's plot is all about an ex-military officer and his father, who experience supernatural occurrences in their locality.?
The story progresses as they keep experiencing weird events around them that lead to investigating different theories and revealing deeper mysteries.?As per the trailer, the film has suspense and drama that may keep the audiences engaged.?
Also Read:?Kishkindha Kaandam OTT release: Did this Malayalam film sell its digital rights in crores?
Kishkindha Kaandam has been directed by Dinjith Ayyathan. The film has a star-studded cast that includes actors like Asif Ali, Vijayaraghavan, and Aparna Balamurali, among others. Bahul Ramesh has handled the cinematography for the film. Music for the Malayalam film is given by Mujeeb Majeed.?
Kishkindha Kaandam was?released on September 12. The film has so far collected over Rs 50 crore. Now with its OTT debut happening soon on?Disney+ Hotstar,?Kishkindha Kaandam is expected to attract more praise and more business for its makers.
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