Akshay Kumar has finally unveiled the motion poster of the highly anticipated film Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue. Sharing the poster, Kumar wrote, ¡°Heroes don't wait for medals to do what's right! Watch the story of Bharat's true hero with #MissionRaniganj in cinemas on 6th October.¡±
The story dates back to West Bengal in 1989 when Gill came to the limelight after rescuing 65 men from a submerged coal mine. Born on November 22, 1937, in Amritsar¡¯s Sathiala, Jaswant completed his studies from Khalsa College in 1959. In 1991, Jaswant was awarded Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak for his bravery by President Ramaswamy Venkataraman.
On 13th November 1989, an unfortunate incident happened in Raniganj¡¯s Mahabir Colliery. The day was going well as miners were working hard and were setting up the usual explosions for extracting coal. Until the strain went tough on the subsurface water table and it cracked. This led to a massive water flow.
It was then that Jaswant jumped in to recommend a unique survival idea amid all other traditional rescue methods failing. He suggested that drilling a well and placing a steel rescue capsule might save a lot of lives. This ended up with all trapped miners getting freed with Jaswant being the last man standing.
Gill passed away on 26 November 2019 and is survived by his wife and four children. In Amritsar¡¯s Majitha Road, a chowk has also been named after him.
Pralhad Joshi, Union Minister of India¡¯s Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines took to Twitter and wrote, ¡°Remembering Late Sardar Jaswant Singh Gill ji for his heroic role in rescuing 65 workers from a flooded coal mine, in 1989. We are proud of our #CoalWarriors who battle every day against the odds to assure India's energy security.¡±
Responding to him, Akshay wrote, ¡°Grateful to you @JoshiPralhad ji, for recalling India¡¯s first coal mine rescue mission - this day 33 years ago. ???? ??????? ?? ?? ??? Sardar Jaswant Singh Gill ?? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???. It¡¯s a story like no other! @easterncoal.¡±
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