Ranveer Singh proved that he's a supportive husband yet again. After watching Chhapaak on Thursday, Ranveer Singh only had good words for Deepika Padukone, Meghna Gulzar, and the movie.?
Ranveer could not contain his feelings after watching the movie and he quickly hopped onto Instagram and shared two pictures of the movie's poster and wrote a rather lengthy post explaining how proud he was of Deepika.
The 34-year-old actor started off his caption by praising the director of the movie Meghna and her work, and wrote,?
"Meghna, your film gives the audience hope and courage. It shows you the best and worst of humanity in a kaleidoscopic cinematic spectrum. It elucidates a subject that we've only ever heard of but never really fully understood."?
He further wrote,?
"It offers a definitive and insightful deep-dive into the horrific gamut of acid violence. The story shakes you to your core and then lifts you heroically until your emotions soar. Talvar, Raazi and now Chhapaak..may I say "Bravo!" And "Encore!"?
In Meghna's film, Deepika will be seen essaying the role of an acid attack survivor, Malti.'Chhapaak' is based on the real-life acid attack survivor Laxmi, who at the age of 15, was attacked allegedly by a spurned lover in 2005. Her attacker, a 32-year old man, was an acquaintance of her family.
Talking about the stellar performance by Deepika, Ranveer continued the lengthy post,?
"My baby. I've witnessed you toil relentlessly to create this special piece of work. You've been an engine behind the project, and are the soul of the film. This is the most important installment in your body of work.?
You labored with such honesty in intent and action. You dug deep and fought through your challenges, faced your fears, overcame your struggles and today you and your team stand triumphant as the creators of one of the films of our times. Your performance is way more than everything I thought it could and would be. It's moved me, stirred me and stayed with me. You blended strength with vulnerability and lent dignity to an immensely complex portrayal in such a fine manner that I'm simply awestruck at your craft. It's staggering and astonishing what you've achieved with Malti. A glowing gem in your repertoire. I love you, baby. I've never been more proud of you. @deepikapadukone #chhapaak,"?he wrote further.?
The film which also sees Vikrant Massey playing a significant role is scheduled to release on Friday.?
It was made tax-free by the governments of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh on Thursday.?