The Sabarmati Report starring Vikrant Massey has been made tax-free in India's Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Since the 50-crore budget film is based on the country's most controversial incident, the 2002 Godhra train burning, which triggered communal riots in the state of Gujarat, authorities want more and more people to watch it. The state of Gujarat, where the actual incident happened, is still to get the tax-free status. This is not the first time that a film has been made tax-free; here's a list of films that were made tax-free in different states:? ?
Article 370 is a political action movie that is based on real life. The film shows how an intelligence agent was selected for a secret mission by the Prime Minister's joint secretary to contain terrorism by rendering Article 370 ineffective.
The film was made tax-free in many states, including Chhattisgarh, as the government wanted more and more people to watch it and know their history.?
The Kerala Story, which was also made tax-free in many states of India like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. This was also a real-life-based movie that revolved around a woman who gets converted to Islam and shares her journey of aspiring to become a nurse, only to be coerced by extremist Muslims in her college who pose as friends. The lady eventually gets manipulated into joining the Islamic State and ends up imprisoned in Afghanistan.?
This film was also made tax-free in many states, including Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The movie is about how Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir were forced to leave their homes and resettle in other parts of India.
This movie was made tax-free in the state of Rajasthan to spread awareness. The film is inspired by a real-life story where a man takes charge to spread awareness about the usage of sanitary napkins and save women from the diseases its alternatives can give them.?
This movie was also made tax-free in Uttar Pradesh. The film revolves around a woman who leaves her husband on the first day of their marriage after she gets to know that he does not have a toilet in his house. The husband then gets on a mission to win his wife back by changing the age-old traditions and values of India and constructing a toilet nearby.
By making a film tax-free, governments basically encourage the public to view the movies with significant social, historical, or political messages that everyone should be aware of.
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