Punjabi rapper and music director Yo Yo Honey Singh has filed a domestic violence case against him.Shalini has also sought Rs 10 crore compensation under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, saying she felt like a "farm animal...being treated cruelly".?
Talwar, 38, claimed that Honey Singh beat her many times in the last few years, and she is constantly living under fear. She has also accused him and his family of threatening her with physical harm.?
¡°Due to mental harassment and cruelty imposed upon her over a period of time, she also suffered from symptoms of depression and sought medical help,¡± she stated in the plea, filed through advocates Sandeep Kapur, Apoorva Pandey, and G G Kashyap.?
In the plea, Talwar has stated how Singh physically assaulted her over the last 10 years.
Talwar also accused her husband of cheating on her and added that he frequently had casual sex with multiple women. She pointed out that he never wore his wedding ring and mercilessly beat her for online marriage pictures.?
Singh's wife has stated that she has evidence to show various acts of domestic violence perpetrated upon her and further requested the court to issue orders against him under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.?
She has also requested the court to order the singer to pay a rent of Rs 5 lakh every month for fully furnished accommodation in Delhi to live independently without being dependent on her widowed mother.?
After receiving Shalini's plea, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Tania Singh issued notice to Singh, directing him not to alienate or create any third-party rights in their jointly owned property in Noida. She also ordered Singh not to dispose of his wife's jewelry and other articles.? ?
Hirdesh Singh,? popularly known as Yo Yo Honey Singh, and Talwar tied the knot on 23 January 2011 in a Delhi Gurudwara.