Few days ago, Yuvika Chaudhary was brutally trolled on the internet after she shared a vlog n which she used a word that was seen as a casteist slur by many. In fact, people demanded arrest of the actress for the same. Soon Yuvika realised her mistake and apologised by saying she didn¡¯t intend any offense to anyone.
Her husband who was also a part of the video apologised on her behalf.
Recently, he was spotted in town by paparazzi where he was askedabout this controversy.
He said, ¡°Nowadays small things are blown out of proportion. There areother more important things which should be addressed or action should betaken. But unfortunately, it is not being. This was a very small thing whereshe doesn¡¯t even know that the word was related to caste. We don¡¯t believe incaste. She is Jat and I am Punjabi but still, we got married. But she acceptedher mistake and said sorry to people.¡±
Now that Yuvika has?apologised forthe same, do you think the matter should be closed?