Known for not mincing her words, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has made yet another bold and shocking revelation exposing the dark side of the film industry. This time the Emergency actress has accused Bollywood heroes of exploiting their position to assault women in the industry. She claimed that these male actors often invite the actresses for dinners, then message them and ultimately ask them to come home.?
"Do you know how these heroes assault women? They call them for dinners, message them, ask them to come home," said Kangana Ranaut as she attended the News18 India Chaupal event on Monday in New Delhi while expressing concern regarding concern regarding the safety of women.?
Furthermore, she gave Saroj Khan's example and added, "Even Saroj Khan was once asked about rape and sexual assault in the film industry when she said, ¡®Rape toh karte hai par roti bhi dete hai¡¯. This is the situation of our daughters in this film industry."
The ace Bollywood choreographer had once made a controversial statement defending casting couch and blaming women for taking that route. "Government ke log karte hain to tum film industry ke peeche kyun pade ho? Wo to roti to bhi deti hai, rape karke chorr to nahi deti. (Even people in the government abuse girls and women, why are you after the film industry? The industry also provides livelihood, it does not discard the woman after that)," she had said. However, after massive backlash Saroj Khan had apologised for her statement.?
Kangana Ranaut also highlighted how she has been getting rape and death threats. Giving the example of Kolkata rape and murder case, she said he herself has been getting rape threats. "The film industry is no different. College boys comment on females. Film heroes are no different. They are also like this. We know how a woman is treated at a workplace," she said.?
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut calls Jaya Bachchan arrogant for parliament outburst, compares it to panic attack
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