SanjayGupta has called out the entire Bollywood for keeping their silence over ShahRukh Khan on the?moment of his crisis.
Hetook too his Twitter and slammed the people for their silence and wrote, ¡°ShahrukhKhan has and continues to give jobs and livelihoods to thousands in the filmindustry. He has always stood up for every cause for the film industry. And theastute silence of the same film industry in his moment of crisis is nothingshort of SHAMEFUL.¡±.
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Therehave been lots of articles written in support of SRK, where many have questionedthe silence of Bachchan¡¯s and Kumar. In fact Aamir Khan too hasn¡¯t spoken aboutSRK and this has left many surprised.
WhileSalman Khan, Hrithik Roshan are two of biggest celebs till now who have come insupport of SRK.
AryanKhan was arrested by NCB on October 3 in Mumbai drug bust case ad he has beenin custody ever since then, The entire Khan family has been trying to get thebail for him but have been failed every time.