Apart from being a pathbreaking film, Taapsee Pannu's Thappad is also winning the level of appreciation globally that it deserves. The film has now made it to the Cannes Lions winners' list as it bagged the silver medal for 'The World's Most Reported Trailer' on day three of the event.?
He also posted a short video of the results released digitally.In the caption, he wrote, "THAPPAD wins Cannes Lions SILVER for its 'Most reported trailer campaign.' What a birthday gift, Team. @triggerhappyentertainment #AmitChandrra ZINDABAD!!!"
It was a part of the film's second trailer that aimed to spread awareness about domestic violence, on which the whole plot of the story was based.?
According to the information present on the official 2021 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity website, the trailer was reported over 400,000 times.?
For the uninitiated, India had 21 shortlists on day three of the festival, closing its shortlist count at 77 for the year. 'Thappad' starring Taapsee Pannu, won several awards, including the 'Best Actor (female).?
For the first time ever, Bollywood produced a meaningful film about how women must not tolerate domestic violence in the name of love and relationships. Directed by Anubhav Sinha, Taapsee played the lead role of a dutiful wife who chooses to draw a line and stands up for herself when her husband slaps her. Pavail Gulati played the role of her husband.
(With agency inputs)