Saif Ali Khan suffered severe injuries a few days ago when an attacker broke into his Mumbai home. After being seriously hurt, the actor was taken to the hospital in an auto, and according to doctors at Lilavati Hospital, Saif entered the hospital soaked in blood. Five days after the surgery, the actor was discharged from the hospital, and in a widely shared video, he was seen walking properly and waving at photographers. People began inquiring how he was able to walk normally after having his spinal cord fluids come out.
ANI shared a video in which Saif was spotted walking with people from his security team. He was also seen walking fine and waving at paps. This made fans speculate if the injury was this serious or not since despite having spinal cord fluids come out is walking like nothing happened.
?Taking to the comment section of the video, one wrote, ¡°Jhukke chalta kamse kam stabbed in spine wala plot kharab ho jaega.¡± Another added, ¡°Wow some stabbed and losing his spinal fluid is back so soon? Even a normal sprain takes a month.¡± A third went on to add, ¡°So it was all Bollywood drama in the end.¡±
People are merely wondering how he could have recovered so quickly, leaving this as speculation. Regarding this specifically, neither Saif nor his family have commented.?
In an unfortante turn of events, an intruder stabbed Saif Ali Khan on Thursday morning. The attack the actor's Bandra house. After arriving at Lilavati Hospital at three in the morning on Thursday, the actor was admitted. At the neighboring Lilavati Hospital, he had a five-hour surgery on Thursday. The actor's body had a portion of the knife removed. A piece of the knife was taken out of Saif¡¯s body.
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