Actor Saif Ali Khan has returned home after undergoing surgery at Lilavati Hospital in Bandra, following a stabbing incident at his residence on the morning of January 16. Videos of his return surrounded by heavy security, with mediapersons cheering, have gone viral online, sparking mixed reactions. While some are praising his bravery, likening him to a lion, others are questioning how someone who was reportedly stabbed multiple times can appear to walk normally just days after major surgery.
Check out the video of his return here:
Saif Ali Khan was seen leaving Lilavati Hospital today, wearing a black cuff on his arm, surrounded by heavy police security, and waving casually to the media as he entered his home.?
The 54-year-old actor was discharged after a five-day stay at the hospital.?
Accompanied by his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor, he made his way back to their residence in Bandra. Saif had undergone a five-hour surgery on Thursday and was later moved to the ICU. During the surgery, a piece of the knife was removed from his body.?
The actor had sustained six injuries in the attack, two of which were deep cuts, and doctors confirmed he was leaking spinal fluid when he arrived at the hospital.
While many were relieved and impressed to see Saif Ali Khan walk out of the hospital with such confidence, others couldn't help but raise eyebrows.?
Some were perplexed, questioning the speed of his recovery.?
One person remarked, "He was supposed to be in the hospital for two weeks. What's going on? This whole thing feels like a scam."?
Another commented, "Wow someone got stabbed and losing his spinal fluid is back so soon? Even a normal sprain takes a month."
Some speculated about the authenticity of the incident, with one user wondering, "I hope this isn't a publicity stunt. A man stabbed in the spinal cord walking around like nothing happened seems unbelievable."?
Another couldn't understand, saying, "He looks perfectly fine... after being stabbed six times? This seems too good to be true."
One more chimed in, "I can't even walk because of back pain, and Saif is up and about after surgery like nothing happened!"
Others simply remarked, "Miracle, miracle!" ¨C a reference to the iconic 2007 Bollywood film Welcome. If you know, you know!
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