At the Indian box office, Mammootty's recently released movie "Bramayugam" was earning a consistent sum of money. But after that first Monday, it started to slow down, and after six days, it was able to surpass the 15 crore milestone.?
According to early estimates from industry tracker Sacnilk, Bramayugam recorded an India nett collection of Rs 1.4 crore on Tuesday after passing the critical Monday test. This amount is just Rs 25 lakh less than its previous day's total. With this, Bramayugam has collected Rs 15.8 crore in domestic net revenue overall. Global box office for the Mammootty movie is currently at Rs 34.05 crore.
The movie's entire occupancy in the Malayalam market on Tuesday was 23.60%. The occupancy rate for the morning concerts was just 13.70 percent at first, but it rose during the day to 18.73 percent in the afternoon, 26.44 percent in the evening, and 35.53 percent for the night shows.
Friday Matinee on the other hand tweeted yesterday, "If the truth is to be told, the maximum collection expected for #Bramayugam even after those positive talks was 30 Cr lifetime because of the genre. Not only it achieved that in just 4 days but also the film started on a good note on the first working day with 747 seater Thrissur Ragam going housefull in the noon show itself (sic)."
The Telugu version of "Bramayugam," which was directed by Rahul Sadasivan, is scheduled to open in theaters on February 23. As a result, attendance is anticipated to rise. The Telugu version will be released by Sithara Entertainments. The horror thriller "Bramayugam" is shown in black and white. Stories from 'Aithihyamala' and a character by the name of Kunchamon Potti are allegedly the inspiration for the movie.
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