Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly attacked by an unknown intruder at his Mumbai residence and is currently being treated at Lilavati Hospital. According to the latest reports, Mumbai police have detained numerous people, and an investigation is presently underway. Recently, Saif's co-star Jr. NTR reacted to the stunning news.?
Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the Devara actor wishes Saif Ali Khan a 'speedy recovery'. He wrote, "Shocked and saddened to hear about the attack on Saif sir. Wishing and praying for his speedy recovery and good health."
Following this, Jr NTR's fans also wished the actor a speedy recovery. Many fans wished good health to the actor.?
Media personality Raj Nayak reacted to the news on X citing other incidents that took place in the same locality. He wrote, "Shocking and deeply unsettling! This marks the third such incident in the Bandra-Juhu area that I¡¯ve heard of recently. Just yesterday, my niece¡¯s boutique in Bandra was burgled. What¡¯s truly alarming is the audacity of these robbers to break into homes while residents are inside, fast asleep. It¡¯s both scary and a wake-up call for heightened security measures in our neighborhoods."?
Also read:?Saif Ali Khan attacked: Kareena Kapoor informs 'rest of the family is okay', actor undergoes surgery
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