Allu Arjun was sent to 14-day judicial custody on Friday following a tragic stampede at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre on December 4 during the premiere of his blockbuster Pushpa 2, which claimed a woman's life. The incident prompted the victim's family to file a complaint against the star and others. Meanwhile, the internet has erupted with speculation, alleging that his arrest may also be linked to an unrelated controversy¡ªforgetting CM Revanth Reddy's name during a Pushpa 2 event not too long back.
Social media users have raised allegations suggesting political motives behind Allu Arjun's recent arrest.?
They claim Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy intervened after the actor took a noticeable pause before mentioning Reddy's name during a Pushpa 2 success event earlier this month.
One user wrote, "Allu Arjun forgets the name of Revanth Reddy on stage! Today he's arrested in Sandhya Theatre stampede case."
?Here are some other posts alleging the same:
Yet others speculated about different political vendettas, with some pointing out that Andhra Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan is Allu Arjun's uncle.
As of now, Allu Arjun has been granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court.
A few actors have come forward in support of Allu Arjun following his recent arrest.?
Bollywood star Varun Dhawan addressed the issue on Friday, a few hours after Allu Arjun's arrest, stating, "Safety protocols are not something that an actor can take on himself. We can tell people around us,"
Actor Nani also voiced his opinion, taking to X to express his thoughts: "I wish the kind of enthusiasm government authorities and media show in anything related to people from cinema was also there for the regular citizens. We would have lived in a better society," adding, "That was an unfortunate incident and it was heart breaking. We should all learn from the disaster and be lot more careful here after and introduce measures to make sure this doesn¡¯t happen again. We are all at fault here. One person is not responsible for this."
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